The safest town, hands down!
The Moon's Landing Town Council voted 6-1 to declare Moon's Landing as the safest town in the Pacific Northwest. "With a place as enchanting as this, who could even fathom committing a crime?" remarked Council Member Brayden McKenna. "We reside in a paradise! While it may have been founded by rogues, thieves, and perhaps even a murderer or two, it has nonetheless transformed into a paradise."
However, not all council members shared McKenna's sentiment. Council Member Michael Selfridge expressed concern, citing the recent untimely tragedies the town has faced. He believes that emphasizing the security of the community, in its current state, might come across as insensitive to its residents.
Council Member Selfridge declined to provide further comment at this time.
Despite the differing opinions, there is a general consensus that Moon's Landing remains one of the most desirable places to live in California. Its secluded location, rustic charm, and abundance of activities make it a hidden gem with something to offer everyone.