The Shelley Weiss Collection

Moonshine and Merriment!

Coming Soon to the Carmine Playhouse! Josephine Gamble Stars in "Moonshine Over My Heart".

Get ready for the thrilling debut of "Moonshine Over My Heart" at the Carmine Playhouse, starring Josephine Gamble. This smash new musical is Moon's Landing's exclusive off-Broadway sensation, inspired by the town's colorful prohibition-era history.

"It's bold, it's epic, it's unique! I can't wait to see it!" raves local amateur theater critic Seymour Raskin. "For a town of our size, we're truly fortunate to have Josephine grace our stage with her exceptional talent."

With the curtain set to rise in just two months, not everyone shares Raskin's enthusiasm. "I understand our town's historical ties to alcohol, but must every production center on booze?" questions local columnist, Alouicious Salt. "I'm beginning to believe they blindfold themselves at the liquor store, pick a bottle at random, and name a production after it."

Despite differing opinions, "Moonshine Over My Heart" promises to be a community highlight, perfectly complementing Moon's Landing's sultry August nights.

For more information and to reserve your seats, visit:

Murder By Musical Pre-Order.